Looking for a low-key haircut? Why not try a home-based hair salon? Here’s why it just might be the best option for you and your kids.
I first met Em when Max was in kindergarten. We went over to her house for a playdate and discovered that she also had a daughter Una’s age! Since there are more than four years between Max and Una, finding same-age playmates is rare. So naturally, we had to set up more playdates.
She also happens to be a wonderful hairdresser, which means I get to double up by having playdates with haircuts for both myself and the kids!
Em first set up her home-based hair salon to help her deal with some mental health issues. Working from home helped her feel less anxious and allowed her to take a brief respite in familiar surroundings if required. While years of therapy and medication have helped, she still enjoys working from home in combination with working at a downtown salon twice a week.
Low-key and fun
It’s not just the convenience of working from home (easy to schedule school pickups!), Em knows that many of her clients just prefer a low-key environment.
Her hair salon has a very vintage and fun feel. Perhaps it’s because she has a bunch of kids at home to practice on, but Em is particularly good with kids. She has an easy, up-front approach that kids (and teens) respond to. The decor of her salon reflects that, filled with toys, interesting objects and brightly coloured artwork.
However, the most distinctive feature is the vintage furniture. She bought her sink, chairs, and dryer secondhand and they work perfectly in her space. Who wouldn’t want their hair washed in a dusty rose-colored sink?
Wondering if a home-based hair salon is for you?
Personally, I always found getting my hair cut to be a bit stressful. I usually show up with my bike helmet and practical shoes. There’s not much point in blow-drying my hair because I have to cycle home. And it’s hard for me to find the time away from work and kids to do a bit of self-care.
Here’s why I love going to a home-based hair salon:
- Relaxed and low stress
- Less noisy and busy than a salon filled with other people
- Don’t have to dress up in nice clothes just to get my haircut
- I can bring my kids along
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